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Event Name
Event Date
Event Time
Event Link
Where is the event (City, State, Venue)
Number of Attendees 0-50 50-200 200-500 500+
Audience type. Please select which category is most relevant. Hotel Owners/OperatorsDestination Marketing Organizations/Convention and Visitors BureausIndustry Partners (Vendors, Consultants, etc.)AcademiaOthers…
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What is the audience’s level of “knowledge” (with regards to STR data)?
What should our presentation cover? Please be as specific as you can.
How long will the presentation be?
Have you had an STR speaker at one of your events in the past? YesNo
Will the speaker be involved in a panel? Who else is on the panel? What will they be covering?
Anything else you would like for us to know? Any questions for us?
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